7  Class Schedule - Subject to Change

Day Date Topic Focus What's Due? Suggested Readings - Brady and Weil 4th ed Lab Unit
Week 1
W 17-Jan Introduction and Overview, Soil Diversity (1-1) pp 3-14 ***No Lab***
Th 18-Jan Week 1 Discussion
F 19-Jan Soil Physical Properties - (1-2)
Week 2
M 22-Jan Soil Physical Properties - Color and Structure (1-3) pp 96-109 1. Soil Properties - Texture, Color and Structure
W 24-Jan Soil Physical Properties - By Weight/Volume (1-4) pp 114-123, 141-143
Th 25-Jan Week 2 Discussion
F 26-Jan Zoom Session: Overview of Soil Properties and Land Use Report Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 3
M 29-Jan Soil Chemical Properties - Elemental Composition (1-5) Canvas 2. Soil Properties - Clays and Mineralogy
W 31-Jan Soil Chemical Properties - Mineralogy (1-6) pp 235-247, 263-265
Th 1-Feb Week 3 Discussion
F 2-Feb Zoom Session: Intro to Web Soil Survey and Soil Web Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 4
M 5-Feb Soil Chemical Properties - Organic Matter (1-7) pp 361-378, 383-387 3. Soil Properties - Bulk Density, Porosity, Organic Matter
W 7-Feb Soil Chemical Properties - pH (1-8) pp 270-311
Th 8-Feb Week 4 Discussion
F 9-Feb Zoom Session (OPTIONAL): Q&A Soil Properties and Land Use Report - Part 1
Week 5
M 12-Feb NO LECTURE pp 248-260 4. Ion Exchange, CEC, pH
T 13-Feb Soil Properties and Land Use Report, Part 1 @ 11:59 PM (Canvas)
W 14-Feb Soil Processes - Ion Exchange and CEC (#1, 2-1)
Th 15-Feb Week 5 Discussion
F 16-Feb Soil Processes - Ion Exchange and CEC (#2, 2-1) Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 6
M 19-Feb Soil Processes - Water Movement (#1, 2-3) pp 132-163, 165-199 5. Soil Water
W 21-Feb Soil Processes - Water Movement (#2, 2-4) pp 132-163, 165-199
Th 22-Feb Week 6 Discussion
F 23-Feb Zoom Session: Topic TBD Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 7
M 26-Feb Soil Processes - Energy and Microorganisms (2-5) pp 322-351 6. Soil Biological Processes (1)
W 28-Feb Soil Processes - C and N Cycles (2-6) pp 396-412
Th 29-Feb Week 7 Discussion
F 1-Mar NO LECTURE Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 8
M-F 4-Mar - 8-Mar *****NO CLASS - SPRING BREAK*****
Week 9
M 11-Mar Soil Processes - Pedoturbation/Macrobiology (2-7) Canvas 7. Soil Biological Processes (2)
W 13-Mar Soil Processes - Redox (2-8) pp 201-206, 213-218
Th 14-Mar Week 9 Discussion
F 15-Mar Zoom Session: (OPTIONAL) Q&A Soil Properties and Land Use Report - Part 2
Week 10
M 18-Mar NO LECTURE 8. Mineral Weathering
T 19-Mar Soil Properties and Land Use Report, Part 2 @ 11:59 PM (Canvas)
W 20-Mar Soil Genesis and Soil Forming Factors (#1, 3-1) pp 27-43, 51-52
Th 21-Mar Week 10 Discussion
F 22-Mar Soil Genesis and Soil Forming Factors (#2, 3-2) Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 11
M 25-Mar Soil Genesis - Climate and Organisms (3-3) pp 43-51 9. Soil Forming Factors
W 27-Mar Soil Horizons (3-4) pp 52-57
Th 28-Mar Week 11 Discussion
F 29-Mar NO LECTURE Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 12
M 1-Apr Soil Taxonomy (#1, 3-5) pp 58-95 10. Soil Classification
W 3-Apr Soil Taxonomy (#2, 3-6) pp 58-95
Th 4-Apr Week 12 Discussion
F 5-Apr Zoom Session: (OPTIONAL) Q&A Soil Properties and Land Use Report - Part 3
Week 13
M 8-Apr NO LECTURE 11. Soil Survey
W 10-Apr NO LECTURE Soil Properties and Land Use Report, Part 3 @ 11:59 PM (Canvas) pp 89-93
Th 11-Apr Week 13 Discussion
F 12-Apr Soil Survey (4-1 & 4-2) Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 14
M 15-Apr Nutrient Management and Fertility (#1, 4-3) pp 420-442, 455-496 12. Soil Fertility, Soil Chemical Management
W 17-Apr Nutrient Management and Fertility (#2, 4-4) pp 420-442, 455-496
Th 18-Apr Week 14 Discussion
F 19-Apr Zoom Session: (OPTIONAL) Nutrient Management Problems and Soil Mapping Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 15
M 22-Apr Soil Physical Management - Tillage (4-5) pp 110-114 13. Soil Physical Management
W 24-Apr Soil Physical Management - Erosion (4-6) pp 499-533
Th 25-Apr Week 15 Discussion
F 26-Apr Zoom Session: (OPTIONAL) Q&A Soil Properties and Land Use Report - Part 4 Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Week 16
M 29-Apr Soil Biological Management (4-7), Urban Soils and Soil Contaminants (4-8) pp 368-371, 545-551 ***No Lab***
W 1-May OPTIONAL - Extra Credit Weekly Summary Quiz Due @ 11:59PM (Canvas)
Mo 6-May Soil Properties and Land Use Report, Part 4 @ 11:59 PM (Canvas)