5  Absences and Makeup Policies

5.1 Excused Absences

University policy recognizes that there are a variety of legitimate circumstances in which students will miss coursework, and that accommodations for makeup work will be made. These situations generally fall into several categories:

  • illness, physical or mental, of the student or a student’s dependent;
  • medical conditions related to pregnancy;
  • participation in intercollegiate athletic events;
  • subpoenas;
  • jury duty;
  • military service;
  • bereavement, including travel related to bereavement;
  • religious observances;
  • participation in formal University system governance, including the University Senate, Student Senate, and Board of Regents meetings, by students selected as representatives to those bodies;
  • taking college entrance exams (PSAT, ACT, SAT) for Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) students that are provided at their high school; and
  • activities sponsored by the University if identified by the senior academic officer for the campus or the officer’s designee as the basis for excused absences.

These absences should be pre-coordinated with the instructor as soon as they are known - in emergency or unexpected situation, communication may occur after the fact. All other absences are considered unexcused absences

5.2 Makeup Policies for Unexcused Absences

Pre-Discussion Quiz: If you miss a pre-discussion quiz you will receive a 2 pt deduction. You can still complete Part I of the quiz for 3/5 pts, however! Your completed pre-discussion quiz must be turned in by 11:59PM on Wednesday of the following week to receive these makeup points. If you do not complete your make-up within 1 week of the original due date, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Weekly Summary Quiz If you miss Part II of the weekly quiz you will receive a 2 pt deduction. You can still complete the quiz for 13/15 pts, however! Your weekly summary quiz must be turned in by 11:59PM on Friday of the following week to receive a grade. If you do not complete your make-up within 1 week of the original due date, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Discussion Collaborative Exercises: Discussion exercises are team activities. If you miss discussion you will receive a 2 pt deduction. You can still complete the exercise for 4/6 pts, however. Your completed exercise must be turned in by the beginning of discussion the following week to receive a grade. If you do not complete your make-up within 1 week, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Soil Property and Land Use Reports: Deduct 10% for every 24 hour period late.